26 Years Changes Teachings

Driver’s Ed was taught in high school. Panthers had six classes a day. 1992 is proof that a lot can change in 26 years.

On the front page of the school newspaper, the 1992 Prowler publicized the possibility of having a block schedule with 90 minute class periods, which is what we have now.

Out of six students that were asked about this new class schedule in 1992, five of them supported the change, saying it would be a lot easier to manage their classes due to the fact that there would be less classes at one time. One student, however, disagreed with the new schedule, claiming that ninety minute classes would be asking too much of teenagers’ attention spans.

Students were also taken to the DMV as freshmen to learn how to drive. Back then, Driver’s Ed was a class mandated by the school. According to the Orange County Register, school districts removed Driver’s Ed from their schools because they were “a victim of budget cuts or because of an increased emphasis on college-entrance requirements.”

As 26 years have flown by, the Panther lifestyle has changed quite a bit. Despite this, nothing changes the true spirit and motivation of the students here at Newbury Park High School.