Election signifies a new chapter for the nation

On the night of November 8th, the eyes of millions of Americans were glued to their television screens as the election results trickled in. The lead in the race bounced between the two frontrunning candidates, but by the end of the night it became clear who would become the 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump.

Before last Tuesday, a majority of pundits predicted that Hillary Clinton would win in the election. Clinton did indeed win the popular vote, but the votes of the electoral college pronounced Trump the winner.

While some cheered ecstatically for their new president, others took to the streets with protest signs. Riots in protest of Trump and the electoral college took place on college campuses and cities across the United States.

While Liam Lecka, senior, sides with the protesters in that he does not support the presidency of Donald Trump, he disagrees with claims made about the electoral college.

“The purpose of the electoral college is to ensure that a “qualified” candidate–which I do not believe Trump is–wins the presidency, but I can see how if the election results had been opposite I would probably have a different sentiment right now,” Lecka said.

However, there are two sides to every coin. Harrison Power, senior, was pleased with the presidential election results. “Trump was the underdog and thus more likable,” Power explained said. “Hillary had the entire political machine, the media, and millions of dollars of political blood money. Her innumerable scandals didn’t help.”

Both new and old government officials were voted into position at state and local levels. Kamala Harris was elected to U.S. Senate and became the first African American Californian senator. For the Thousand Oaks City Council race, Al Adam and Rob McCoy. In regards to the School Board of the Conejo Valley Unified School District, incumbent Betsy Connolly was re-elected for her third term while newcomer Sandee Everett also gained a seat.

As of Nov. 17, 65.33% of registered voters in Ventura County cast their ballots, while 59.56% of registered voters in California participated. In order for Americans to make the change they want to see, they must vote, a right that Steve Johnson, history teacher, reiterates and encourages for his students.

“I think elections can be very emotional experiences and I think we found that out, and I think that hopefully the lessons are, for most of our students at Newbury Park High School who weren’t old enough to vote this time, is how important it is to be involved, and not take it for granted, and that elections have consequences,” Johnson said. “I would like to see all of our current students, as soon as they are 18, to be registered and be part of the process.”