Newbury Park mountain biking team stays dedicated

It is easy to lose initiative to stay in shape during quarantine, but for the mountain biking club, it all comes from self motivation. The club was shut down in early March after schools closed and cannot open until it is safe. However, that has not stopped the members from continuing to practice the sport they love.

Ava Ahlberg, junior, joined the club in sixth grade.  “My group of friends were joining and I wanted to try it out,” Ahlberg said. Fast forward five years and Ahlberg’s love for mountain biking has only grown. “I also love getting to connect with nature and see parts of the world you wouldn’t normally see by foot.” Ahlberg said, “The community of people are also fun to be around and we share such a strong passion for it.” During quarantine, Ahlberg still works hard on her bike, “I train with the varsity coach on the team and he has just been training me privately. In the beginning of quarantine I trained by myself or in a small group of teammates.” Ahlberg does admit that she often has to go on rides alone as a result of quarantine, but tries to go with her teammates as much as possible. 

Nathaniel Schohn and Ben Kreinces, freshmen, have been part of the club since sixth grade as well. For Kreinces, a summer camp sparked his love for the sport but for Schohn, it was his dad. “I started mountain biking because my dad got me into it, we started riding local trails and soon I loved the sport and loved riding with friends,” Schohn said. 

Quarantine has made things slightly difficult for the team but they still manage, “We had one practice right when we went on break and since then we’ve done nothing.” Kreinces said, “I still ride with friends a couple times a week but only with friends not with the team.” The amount of practice time has also decreased with the club temporarily disbanded,“With the team we’d go on rides four times a week but on my own I try to get in at least 3,” Schohn said. “You definitely see people from the team while riding, but it’s kind of hard to constantly practice riding because you can’t ride alone in case you fall,” Kreinces said. 

The bikers believe they have valuable advice for newcomers. “It’s okay to fall or make mistakes,” Schohn said, “That happens to everyone.” They all agree that it’s important to not to get discouraged even when you take a fall. “Just have fun!” Ahlberg adds.