Under the bright stadium lights, while kicking, jumping and making perfect basket tosses, the varsity cheer squad aims to perfect their skills and leave the crowd feeling more hyped...
Overview: “Newsies,” originally written by Harvey Fierstein, was brought to life by director Marilyn Strange, aided by the student actors, technicians, choreographers and booster parents. This year’s production transported...
“Daring, I” kept falling in love with Tyler the Creator’s seventh studio album, “CHROMOKOPIA.” This album has 14 songs, plays for 54 minutes and features other famous artists like...
I am sure everyone loves a random act of kindness, but unfortunately, the rise of social media has led to the degradation of genuine ones. These unexpected actions from...
If you were to listen closely enough on May 8, 2020, you might have heard the thunderous crashing of my knees to the ground after hearing the news that...
The internet is a great outlet for information, and can truly educate people if they are looking to be educated, but recently it has caused an issue in our...
The perpetual advancement of technology has transferred the world of print media onto screens, making it more convenient to unlock your phone with a tap of the finger and...
Google has accumulated fines worth two undecillion rubles, or 20 decillion USD, from a Russian court on Oct 31. It is being held liable for refusing to restore the...