There are plenty of movies that deserve to have a sequel to their story, but there are also many where a continuation is just pointless. For years, movie franchises have produced parts two, three, four, etc, and the majority have not reached the same fame as the original. I enjoy a new idea with fresh takes, rather than repetitive storylines. While there can be exceptions to this, nine out of ten times, movie sequels will fall flat.
A great example of not-so-good sequels are the “Jaws” sequels. The first “Jaws” has to be one of my favorite movies, and with the second movie still being a higher-rated film, I went into the next with the same expectations, but boy, was I wrong. Even though there were some redeeming qualities in the third movie, it had some of the worst 3D aspects I have ever witnessed in my life. “Jaws 3D” not only has a horrible plot but an even worse recreation of a Great White Shark. I do not think I have ever felt offended while watching a movie, but there is a first time for everything, and watching “Jaws” third edition was definitely a first.
Now, on the opposite side of the spectrum with an amazing movie sequel is ”Toy Story 2.” Even though the story follows very different characters with unique backstories from the original toys, Woody and Buzz, it brings a fun and new aspect to the series. Yet with the extension to an already vast universe, I think that is the reason why the movie has such a fun perspective. The introduction to toys like Jessie and Bullseye brings even more love and friendship in Woody’s life. Regardless, since Woody and Buzz get separated during the film, that also makes both of their characters develop even more by the end.
Many times during the process, the story gets lost while going in a different direction or trying something brand new. I have realized that I gravitate more towards the original movies rather than their part twos. I do think that there are movies that deserve a sequel to continue a wonderful story, but if not done correctly, it could ruin the entire series. If the initial film was a hit, and if no one is asking for further development, then there is no reason to keep making more movies.
All in all, the majority of sequels are bad and are just made to bring in more money to the film company. While there are some exceptions to the thought, I would say that more than half of the time the original is more fondly looked upon than the part two. The addition of another movie to something that is near perfect shows the downsides of film continuations. Nothing is more frustrating than seeing an ad about a beloved film getting a continued story many years later. Movie sequels can create an even bigger fandom than before, but they can also drive old fans away because of the awful reopening of an already-finished narrative.