All rise for President Carter

With his iconic sense of humor and his larger than life attitude, Carter Kawaguchi, sophomore, will brighten any room that he walks in too. 

Kawaguchi is an active student on campus: he currently serves as the Key Club Vice President, Secretary of the Asian Culture Club, Secretary of No Knit Blankets and sophomore Vice President.

Kawaguchi’s favorite way to serve in his community is his dedication to Key Club and Kiwanis, an international organization dedicated towards community service. “PTP (pediatric trauma program) money (is) raised to help children who suffered from accidents,” Kawaguchi said, providing examples of what Key Club does. “We also work with UNICEF to help eliminate neonatal tetanus, and we recently just eliminated it in a country.” 

The associated student government would not be complete without the work of Kawaguchi. As fellow ASG member and friend of Kawaguchi Thea Duc, sophomore, said, “He’s a very good leader. I always feel confident whenever I’m in a group with him.”

Duc also reiterated how personable Kawaguchi can be, “Carter is a super fun guy. Whenever I go next to him we always fist bump.”

One of his favorite ways of expressing himself is through K-pop. Kawaguchi is drawn to the music because “the Asians that were in it helped to give me the recognition that I did not receive. In America, you don’t really see that many Asians in like music or in TV and k-pop is just completely filled with those types of people,” he said.

Many know of Kawaguchi, but few know about his hidden lifestyle. Occasionally Carter can be seen riding his penny board up Wendy Drive to get to his house. Though he does not skateboard everyday, “on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. I am a skater boy” Kawaguchi said. Skateboarding is not the only thing Kawguchi does to stay active, as Duc says, “ he’s on the swim team and he makes that a lot more fun.”

Kawaguchi truly works to make his school a better place by encouraging fellow students to participate in helping their community. “I want students to be aware of what they can do in their community and the power that they have to take action and help improve things by joining different organizations such as Key Club.”