Often unnoticed, school custodians play a vital role in maintaining the cleanliness, safety and functionality of schools. Their efforts help provide welcoming places for students...
From soccer balls to pom-poms, Newbury Park sports grow and improve their teams every year, adding new talent and passion to each game. The paths...
Emma Lindroth, Senior VS. Eric Lindroth, Photography 1.How many snowflakes fall each year? Emma: “400 trillion” Eric: “250 trillion” Answer: 1 septillion Only a couple...
As student athletes make their way through high school, many think about their future, and if their sport will play a part in it. Although...
Assembly Law 1575 was signed by California Governor Gavin Newsom on Sept. 28, 2024. The new law requires all public college and university students...
Ever since the rise of music artists, there have been many cases of harassing, stalking, entitled and incessant superfans. Celebrities constantly speak up about these...
After years of intense training, skill development and pushing physical and mental boundaries, Taekwondo students achieved various degrees of black belts on May 18th at...
Whether they were scoring goals, shooting baskets or hitting home runs, this year our NPHS athletes took their victories by storm. Several teams made it...
Golf is often viewed as an individual sport, overlooking the team aspect, however, the Newbury Park boys’ golf team has been embracing the group support,...
France is the first country to pass a bill that legalizes abortion in the constitution. On March 8, International Women’s Day, the bill was passed...