Boys volleyball spikes into their season

Boys volleyball, despite the pushed back season, is in full swing. Anyone who was interested in playing the sport was welcomed back into the gym during the week of March 15. Practices will look close to normal, despite the fact that players will be required to wear masks while in the gym and get a COVID-19 test done 48 hours prior to any practice or game. Matches will be allowed with only one spectator per player. 

James Goldston, freshman, is a libero on the frosh-soph team. Despite the odd circumstances for his first high school season, Goldston is excited to play. “I am excited to be able to play volleyball because I was not sure if it was going to start and it has been a while since we have been able to play,” Goldston said. Goldston has been playing the sport for quite a while now. “I have been playing volleyball since sixth grade and I enjoy the collectiveness of the sport and the activity I get from playing,” Goldston said. 

The frosh-soph team is not the only team that is being affected. Alexander Hull, freshman, has the opportunity to play for the varsity team this year. “I’ve been playing volleyball for a little over a year and a half. My favorite part of volleyball would either be hitting the ball or blocking the other hitters,” Hull said. Due to COVID-19 regulations, the familiar crowd of cheering fans will not be permitted this season. “This season is obviously going to be super interesting due to everything going on but I think the biggest difference for us would be not having everyone in the bleachers and everyone screaming for us,” Hull said.

Jorge Ostrovsky, varsity coach, was excited to welcome the athletes back onto the court. This year, he decided that all who were interested in playing would be allowed to, regardless of prior experience. “I figured after such a difficult year for students, the last thing I wanted to do is make cuts,” Ostrovsky said. Coach Ostrovsky is hopeful for the season’s games. “Matches will be different because there probably will not be anyone in the stands to start with. Hopefully, that will change,” Ostovsky said.

Regardless of the circumstances, the boys volleyball team is ready to mask up and be successful in the season they have in front of them.