California is losing a representative for the first time in history

The California population has continuously shown a trend of rapid growth, but the most recent census suggests a decline in that trend. California used to be one of the fastest growing states, but now, the growth rate this decade is only 6.1 percent, compared to the average 7.4 percent from the rest of the nation.

Because of this slow growth, California is losing one of its 53 House representatives for the first time in the state’s 171-year history. While California still has the most representatives in America, states such as Texas and Florida are showing more than twice the amount of growth. Texas’ population has grown 16 percent in the past decade, causing the state to gain two representatives. In addition, Florida’s population has grown 14 percent in the last decade and it is gaining one representative.

Each representative constitutes a district of the state. California currently has 53 districts for its 53 representatives, but it will only have 52 districts when redistricting occurs. Redistricting occurs once a decade in every state and every county. It is the procedure where borders for electoral districts are redrawn. Usually, redistricting features minimal changes, but this year, one congressional district will be removed.