A thumping heart and panicky breathing will probably seize you when you hear the word “SAT.” The strive for success and getting into college is...
Imagine life without leather belts, juicy steaks, drugstore foundation and weekend trips to Seaworld. This may sound like a distant dream, but for vegans, it’s...
Facing a line of tired eyes, Sami Griffin, junior, prepares for the busy workday by taking orders, grinding beans, and mixing drinks. Griffin spent her...
Steve Johnson, esteemed history teacher, takes traveling the world to a whole new level. Having explored several continents, he has a cultured view of society...
Summer camps and internships offer students opportunities to pursue passions, hobbies, and possible career interests in a more relaxed setting. This past summer, many students...
NP ideals: Students bring nobility, potential, humanity and scholarship to nation’s top service academies For applicants, choosing a future at one of the five Federal...
The “yo-yo boys” do it all. Whether it’s the Spring Rally, the Talent Show, or performing tricks at school, both Matthew Weymer, sophomore, and James...
As an AP environmental science teacher, Robert Martin has seen many students with genuine concern for the environment. As an instructor, he considers education a...
“It was one of those things where playful teasing slowly developed into more psychological abuse and it eventually developed to the point where it got...
Every fourth period, Sophie Buffo, sophomore, heads to the special education classrooms to help as a teaching assistant. “I am able to learn so many...