At the young age of 13, I read my first romance novel. I quickly became addicted to the drama and passion that became my escape...
Food is a huge part of culture, community and enjoyment. It brings together families and friends; it is often people’s first memories. Food is not...
Being a music lover comes with big price tags and even bigger decisions. I, for one, enjoy attending concerts and listening to my favorite artists...
From the scariness that transcends to the typical jumpscare, “Us” is the unrivaled horror movie. Realisticity, no movie could have prepared me for the spellbinding...
Gothicism at its core is an art form, and horror is its child, born from its thick roots in folklore and religious traditions. Portrayals of...
I have been attending math therapy for the past nine years, and I have learned more about rejection in those sessions than anywhere else. Math...
When I think back to my childhood, some of my fondest memories involve reading. Whether I remember calm afternoons spent at the Barnes and Noble...
“They’re eating the dogs…They’re eating the pets of the people that live there,” are the now-famous words uttered by candidate Donald Trump at the presidential...
As a teenage girl living on the outskirts of L.A., I have always had a front row seat to the shimmering bubble of Hollywood. Universal...
I have spent my entire life waiting to go to college, a place where I will have more freedom than ever before. As a junior,...