I am an absolute music nerd. I can’t go anywhere without a pair of earbuds with me, and I have to be the one to...
The idea that guns are untouchable because of the Second Amendment follows an aged dogmatism that makes no sense in 2018. While mental health issues...
YBefore 2010, Disney Channel, Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon were dropping some heat on their channels: “Tom and Jerry”, “Drake and Josh”, “Kim Possible” and “Danny...
One of the most common debates among tech users is the age-old Apple vs Android dispute. No one needs to know that they are talking...
Ah the holiday season. This is usually my favorite time of year. A perfect trinity of holidays all crammed into three months — the Harry...
The United States was not founded with political parties. In fact, our first president George Washington warned against them in his farewell address. Yet, it...
Our country is founded on the basis that the American population will elect politicians to make governmental decisions. In theory, these politicians are people who...
Visiting colleges is a necessity for high school seniors to truly know where they belong. Though our school gives our seniors two excused days at...
Despite the “nice people high school” reputation we have, I know of a handful of students who have resorted to physical violence to settle a...
Here is how a nonprofit works: the public can donate to the organization, which in turn, works toward achieving a certain transparent goal or promoting...