Missing the beach? Crying over final exams? Don’t worry; we’re in the same boat. Try to ease your conscience with these songs as summer is...
The 2016 race for the presidency seems tilted in Democrat Hillary Clinton’s favor, but that may not be the case. According to a recent national...
“I love you.” Oh how our society has destroyed this phrase. I have no problem with people saying they love each other, but please...
Up until now, I always believed senioritis was synonymous with exhaustion. It was a justification for slacking, because if I’ve already worked this hard and...
The United States prides itself on being a nation of acceptance, where people of different nationalities, backgrounds and religions can come together as one. However,...
Pop in your earbuds, especially those with senioritis, and get motivated to finish the last few months of school with a stride in your step....
As young and naive children who watched Disney Channel and read Harry Potter, we dreamed about high school. We dreamed about tall swanky lockers that...
Downtown LA traffic. No other words even need to be spoken for this phrase to immediately conjure an image of a long, solid mass of...
Launch into springtime and help assuage your fears for upcoming AP and IB tests with some new music. “I Wanna Be Sedated” by Ramones – If...
It’s common practice for parents to go through their child’s technology. I mean, my mom follows me on Instagram, but there’s nothing there that I...