Dark humor fails to excuse racism

I have often been labeled as “too sensitive” to the jokes my peers make, so I tend to keep my mouth shut when I am frustrated with what they have to say. But when an acquaintance looked me dead in the eye to tell me that he hates Black people, then paused and giggled like a child, I realized that this was more than a twisted sense of humor; it was an awkward disguise for hate. 

The casual racist humor present in every schoolyard is like the superspreader of hatred. Although it seems harmless at the moment, giving a voice to biased stereotypes can lead to much bigger issues.

Dark humor makes light of controversial or taboo topics, such as death or divorce. For example, my mom’s go-to joke is, “Why did the monkey fall from the tree? Because he was dead.” 

Dark humor is not, however, an excuse to say racial slurs or hateful things. But many use the guise of “dark humor” to get away with saying obscene and offensive things to their friends and then making fun of those who do not laugh along. 

Shakespeare said, “Many a true word is spoken in jest,” meaning that many hide their true beliefs behind jokes. Perhaps one’s humor is a chance to see who they really are. 

Furthermore, there is proof everywhere around us that humor is a suspect for spreading racism in the U.S..

In the early nineteenth century, minstrel shows, a comedy genre of theatre where black-faced actors portrayed African Americans as crude creatures, grew in popularity throughout the U.S.. On the surface, these plays were simply entertainment. However, minstrel shows normalized the agenda that Black people were feral and unable to control their aggression and desires. These plays portrayed long-lasting stereotypes that shaped society’s views of Black people. For instance, I often hear teens and kids naively joke that their Black peers are “monkeys.”

The racist characterization of Black people goes beyond a quick laugh. Black people are more than twice as likely to be stopped and searched by police officers because they are assumed to be violent or suspicious. 

Similarly, antisemites during the 1930s used comics and characters to portray Jewish people as greedy degenerates, drawing them as pigs or cunning wolves. This was a mode of propaganda used to get more folk on board with Adolf Hitler’s plans for Germany. 

Like most people, I am guilty of laughing or joking along about sensitive topics that may have been offensive to others. 

So, it is important to combat the spread of casual racism by being mindful of what you say and what bits in which you take part. 

Even under the scope of “dark humor,” certain jokes can do more than offend someone. They truly have the power to change things. I refuse to laugh along and be a bystander to bigotry. It is not embarrassing to take a stand against hate.

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