Family traditions keep memories alive

My childhood was full of magical traditions filled with family and joy. Recently, I turned 17-years-old, and I realized just how much of my childhood has passed me by. So many of my old traditions have now turned into beloved memories of the past. So much of what I looked forward to as a kid has disappeared, now that I am growing into a young adult. 

Over the 2024 holiday break, my family skipped many of our yearly traditions. When my brother and I were younger we used to put up lights together, decorate the tree together and wake up early on Christmas morning. Now, I find myself not even wanting to participate in these traditions. When I was a kid, these activities were exciting and colorful, but now they seem boring and mundane. Although so many of these traditions have faded, I think it is important to keep some of them alive. My family still drives around the community looking at all of the Christmas lights and rating each house with letter grades. 

In a similar light, I used to always have sleepovers with my Nana. I loved these sleepovers. Some of my best memories are sleeping over and being with my Nana at her house. We played cards, colored and baked together all of the time. Now, I have such a busy schedule with school, homework and dance that I rarely can go over. Though, I still try my best to spend as much time with my Nana as possible so we can keep our strong bond and connection.

Another yearly tradition of my childhood was going to the American Girl Doll store at the Grove. My Nana, my mom and I drove all the way down to Los Angeles on my birthday and I got to pick out something from the store. It was such a magical experience. I was always so excited to see the new girl of the year that American Girl Doll had released. Looking at all of the dolls and exploring the store was the best part of my birthday. One year, I even got to go to the Café where my doll and I got to eat together. This tradition started when I was 5-years-old and ended when I was 8-years-old. I still loved to play with them through elementary school and have all my dolls today.

 Now, the American Girl Doll store in the Grove is permanently closed, and I will never get to revisit this nostalgic place from my childhood. The American Girl Doll Store tradition is gone, but one of my birthday traditions has not died yet. My family and I go to Wood Ranch on my birthday and I get my favorite meal: steak, mac n cheese and mashed potatoes.

Even though I miss and grieve all of these traditions dearly, I have learned that the memories will never disappear. Although so many of these traditions are not practiced anymore, I think it is so important to make an effort to keep some of them alive. Looking back on all these memories, I am so grateful I have such a caring family that made my childhood so special with these traditions. As these old traditions fade, new ones form with memories that will last a lifetime.