Hazardous materials investigation leads to shelter-in-place

On Feb. 12, at around 5:15 p.m., the Ventura County Fire Department responded to a call regarding a Hazardous Materials incident on the 1300 block of Calle Avellano in Thousand Oaks. Nearby residents were ordered to shelter in place for nearly four hours, remaining inside and avoiding any outdoor activity until the source of the leak was identified and secured.

The street of Calle Avellano is located off of Calle Olivo on the north side of East Avenida De Los Arboles, west of Highway 23. The shelter-in-place was issued for a three-block radius surrounding the home of the incident, and Ventura County Sheriff’s conducted a hard closure of Calle Olivo, restricting any motor vehicles from entering the zone. This was all lifted at around 9:15 p.m. the same night.

According to radio traffic, 16 ounces of a material described as calcium and red phosphorus was found by VC Fire. The Sheriff’s Office later confirmed that this chemical incident was not related to the manufacture of narcotics, but was rather accidental in nature. Firefighter Andrew Dowd of the Ventura County Fire Department said that the chemicals were legal and publicly available. The Sheriff’s Office also said that the incident involved a juvenile, who was possibly making ammunition for their cap gun or was attempting to make a rocket for a project.

A patient, with what has been described as facial burns by VC Fire, was taken to Los Robles Regional Medical Center by a private vehicle before the arrival of the fire department. The hospital lobby, in which the patient arrived, was initially evaluated as a possible contamination zone. Firefighters responded to this location to ensure no further action was required for potential hazmat issues.

The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office also sent bomb squad units to assist with identifying materials. Deputies were also requested to help with shelter-in-place orders and traffic control in the residential community.
As of Feb. 20, no further information about the patient has been released, including the age, gender or extent of the injuries. No arrests have been made.