Project Pan should be the expectation

Since the new year, a trend called “Project Pan” has become popular on “TikTok.” Project Pan is a challenge to use up all of the beauty and hygiene products that one currently has before buying anything new. At the end of each month, content creators show their favorite products that they finished and would repurchase. Most influencers and content creators participating either receive an abundance of public relations [PR] products and/or buy new products constantly. This establishes the goal of the project; to stop over-consumption and the wasting of products.

The fact that there has to be a trend circulating the internet to influencers to use up their products and stop buying new ones is ridiculous. I see so many influencers open numerous PR packages and then proceed to go on a shopping spree and buy hundreds of other products that do essentially the same thing.This also creates a culture where influencers are constantly needing to be the next best thing. These out-of-touch, privileged influencers do not realize how this “trend” is reality for most people. The average person buys a product, finishes it and then buys a new one. For reference, if my hair stylist wanted me to change my shampoo and conditioner, that does not mean I would throw out my half-full products and buy new ones right away. Some people even ration out their products or dilute them with water to make them last longer. These creators participating in “Project Pan” while also receiving piles and piles of PR packages and then complaining about how hard “Project Pan” is really shows the irony of the project.

PR packages themselves contribute to over-consumption. Companies constantly send PR to influencers and creators who already have the money to afford these products, while there are so many people who struggle to afford the bare minimum. This shows how privileged influencers do not realize that most of their followers participate in this trend regardless. Also, “Project Pan” is yet another trend, and trends will eventually die. When “Project Pan” goes away, will influencers go back to wasting and buying products?

Although this project should be the norm, it does attempt to tackle over-consumption and waste. I believe this project is a step in the right direction, although it also shows far many influencers are from reality. While it promotes using products and eliminating waste, it also shows off just how many products influencers have and go through regularly.