“Laughter is a pleasant physical reaction and emotion consisting usually of rhythmical, usually audible contractions of the diaphragm and other parts of the respiratory system,” according to Wikipedia. For me, laughter is the medicine that heals the soul and clears my mind. Throughout our lives, we all face scenarios that make us feel helpless, and from those experiences, we learn to persevere and carry on. However, we also learn one of life’s most important lessons: sometimes, all you can do is laugh.
While some may disagree, I would argue that humor is one of humanity’s most powerful coping mechanisms. When a person laughs, their body releases endorphins that trigger a positive response throughout the body chemically, physically and emotionally. This response is something we need, something almost all humans crave. In times that create the unwanted feeling of despair or depression, laughing helps us process and express emotion. It can help keep our minds distracted and draw focus from the negatives of a situation. Instead it allows our minds much needed comedic relief and allows people to fixate on the humorous aspects of a situation rather than the depressing.
In my experience, humor and laughter can be perceived as a negative emotion in some situations, but often it is the darkest circumstances that need the most laughter. For example, last year when both my parents had cancer, life was difficult. But, I truly believe that what got me and my family through it was laughter and being able to take a lighter approach to such a serious circumstance. Even on the rough days of treatment we could always expect a good joke or a silly situation to brighten the atmosphere and bring a healing light into our home. This was more effective in helping everyone’s mental state than any medication ever could. It is important we do not underestimate the power of a good joke and remember that sometimes, it is okay to just laugh.