Students explore advanced concepts in MathCounts

Loved by some and loathed by others, mathematics is one of the core subjects taught at educational institutions worldwide. For members of Sycamore Canyon Middle School’s [SCMS] MathCounts program, a nonprofit organization sponsored by Raytheon Technologies, math is not only a focal point of their academics, but one that they choose to study at a higher level and then test their knowledge in competitions. Their team recently finished third place in MathCounts’ Ventura Chapter, advancing to the MathCounts State Competition in Riverside, CA with the help of Newbury Park High School [NPHS] volunteers and adviser Malinda Young. 

Young, mathematics teacher at SCMS, highlights the rigor of mathematics that students encounter in the MathCounts program. “[MathCounts] covers standards beyond the classroom, so things kind of outside of the box [like] logic puzzles… [they] will see a lot of standards that are covered in MathCounts that are traditionally not even covered until Algebra Two, Trigonometry or Calculus.” As adviser of the program, Young has found joy in witnessing her students’ accomplishments. “[It is rewarding] seeing kids have natural abilities to recognize patterns and solve problems they’ve never seen before,” Young said.

Yushan Yan, senior, volunteers as a head coach for the MathCounts program and was a member during her middle school years. In addition to aiding students academically, she has also developed personal relationships with her mentees. “[I have] really seen sixth graders grow into eighth graders. It’s really cool to see that change every year, and see them become more confident and more passionate about math,” Yan said. When advanced questions create frustration for students, Yan offers a helping hand. “I really try to break down the language of the problem into easy ways for them to understand,” Yan said. 

Paul Goetze, eighth grader, is a member of the MathCounts program at SCMS who recently finished second place individually at MathCounts’s Ventura County competition. Goetze, who is currently a calculus student, works to be a contributor to his MathCounts team, especially during such competitions. “The most challenging part [of competition] is just the problems themselves,” Goetze said. Goetze appreciates the common interests he shares with his teammates. “[We are] definitely a group of people who are passionate about math and want to further our learning,” Goetze said. Contrasting from his complex math puzzles, Goetze’s reason for joining MathCounts is straightforward. “I have a passion for math, and so MathCounts is just a natural option for me to take [part in],” Goetze said.

SCMS’s MathCounts program is an example of how an appreciation of math can unite students and push them beyond the limits of traditional curriculum. Students like Goetze are able to enhance their problem-solving abilities under the direction of their adviser, Young and committed high school volunteers like Yan. Next year, MathCounts is looking for new high school volunteers to assist with the program. MathCounts provides an environment for young mathematicians to expand their abilities, whether it be through competition or teamwork. “I love seeing the growth that they make from sixth through eighth grade, and seeing them challenge themselves and take the program to a newer height,” Young said.

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