Netflix’s “Shadow and Bone”, a TV series based on the Grishaverse books by Leigh Bardugo, released its second season on March 16. With the first...
Recently trending on TikTok has been a clip of a Silver Springs performance by Fleetwood Mac, but did you know that there is a book...
“Shazam! Fury of the Gods” was released on March 17 and tells the story of Billy Batson. He worries if he has to move on...
Finally! More Creed! The “Rocky” franchise has kept up its 47 year streak of making great, emotional films that inspire and motivate audiences. This film...
What was once streaming on video game platforms like Twitch is now streaming on HBO as a worldwide adapted hit, “The Last of Us,” has...
On Jan. 20, Måneskin, an Italian rock band, released their third album, RUSH!, which features 14 tracks, three of which are in Italian, along with...
After 6 years of waiting, SZA, Solána Imani Rowe, finally released her third debut album “SOS” leaving fans such as myself are absolutely gobsmacked. With...
“The Stolen Heir” by Holly Black is a highly anticipated novel taking place after the events of the well-known “Folk of the Air” trilogy. Four...
Everyone knows what a typical heist movie consists of: a band of criminal friends reunite, they create a foolproof plan, break through a high-security facility...
The horror (and unintentional comedy) movie “M3GAN,” starring an artificially created doll gone rogue, hit the theaters on Jan. 6 and quickly became the joke...