In 2021, the district adopted the new health curriculum known as “Teen Talk”. The adaptation of this new curriculum has led to an abundance of...
Teenage years are often filled with complex problems which result in mental health issues that...
About a year ago, I came home from school to find that my sibling was crying. When I asked why they were upset, they said...
The surge of the COVID-19 Delta Variant brought on new challenges for our world to face. The CDC (Center for Disease and Control Prevention),...
A group of students facing the everyday struggle of anxiety aimed to raise awareness about the disorder. Considering the widespread problem of anxiety, these students...
Drowning in piles of review study guides and trying to look up Quizlets with all the answers: This is what the week before finals looks...
The health department and CVUSD School Board have begun the process of revising the health class curriculum in order to align with Assembly Bill No....