Chances are, if you have walked around campus recently or attended one of their numerous events, you have come across the Unified Sports program. If...
“Chicago,” the second longest-running show in Broadway history after Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Phantom of the Opera,” holds the record for the longest-running musical revival and...
Within our society, a common genre among TV shows and podcasts is “true crime.” True crime entails the retelling of spine-chilling stories such as kidnappings...
By some miracle the Academy has managed to have two good Oscar years in a row. If you ignore Jimmy Kimmel’s grating commentary and allow...
On Feb. 9, the Airbus Eurocopter EC130 embarked on what was supposed to be a short trip from Palm Springs, California to Boulder, Nevada. Unfortunately,...
Traveling 30,000 miles across the world seems like an impossible obstacle, especially when doing it alone for 130 days. However, 29-year-old Cole Brauer accepted that...
It is another election year for the Conejo Valley, which resides in California’s 42nd state assembly district. The State Assembly is the state of California’s...
It wasn’t too long ago that Frank Herbert’s sci-fi novel epic, “Dune” was considered unfilmable. Most people figured it was too weird and slow for...
Voice actor Eric Bauza, known for being the current voice for “Looney Tunes” characters Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and countless others, received praise last February...
Upon typing “gothic literature themes” into Google’s search bar, a list of topics can be spotted. Among them, you can catch the not-so-surprising theme of...