“Justified” was a crime drama that ran on FX between 2010 and 2015. It centered around the adventures of U.S. Marshall Raylan Givens, as he...
The fires in Lahaina, Maui have left many dead or missing after the winds of Hurricane Dora spread the fires early this August. At least...
This past Wednesday, Sept. 27, marked another heated Grand Old Party (GOP) Presidential Debate that took place at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. In order...
The beginning of this school year marks the start of many things, including the first season of the new girls flag football team. Thus far,...
Starting out small, the Times Media Group began with the ownership of only one newspaper, now controls many publications in Arizona and California. Founded by...
The dark sky slowly blends into blue and purple, and the sun comes glazing up, signaling the very start of senior year for the graduating...
With fall sports kicking off, Girls’ Varsity Volleyball had their first league on Sept. 8. Prior to that game, the team had spent a lot...
“Heartstopper” by Alice Oseman, originally a Webtoon comic, has become a four-book series, as well as a number-one show on Netflix directed by Euros Lyn....
On Aug. 30, the mother behind the “8 Passengers” Youtube channel, Ruby Franke, was arrested along with her manager/business partner, Jodi Hildebrant. The arrest followed...
Who? Eloise Cardenas, sophmore Chef Liz Newman What’s the name of the pig in the book “Charlotte’s Web”? Cardenas: Wilbur Newman: Walter A: Wilbur 1-0...