The movie “A Complete Unknown” tells the story of a young Bob Dylan and how he got his start in folk music. The cast includes...
“Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror” was released as a silent film in 1922, and created a fan base for gothic horror, one that pushed for...
“The Lion King” is one of the most beloved and popular Disney movies, and “Mufasa” lived up to all of its glory. Going into the...
After over a decade of anticipation, “Wicked” the movie adaptation is finally here and has exceeded audience expectations. From the plot, to the acting, to...
24 years ago, “Gladiator” was released into theaters. Since then, the film has continuously grown in fame and reputation. With the relatively minimal CGI and...
Following its beloved original, “Moana 2” has already made 389 million dollars in box offices. However, the sequel hardly compares to the original “Moana.” “Moana...
The debate between fate and free will is a recurring topic in entertainment that has captivated audiences throughout history. We have seen these quandaries in...
I rarely find myself brought to genuine tears by a kid’s movie, but “The Wild Robot” is an exception. Released on Sept. 27, “The Wild...
On Oct. 19, “We Live in Time” was released in theaters. The movie is a wonderful film, following the very emotional and raw relationship of...
“I don’t wanna sing anymore…please stop singing,” are among the final pieces of dialogue in “Joker: Folie à Deux,” the highly anticipated sequel to the...