“Chicago,” the second longest-running show in Broadway history after Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Phantom of the Opera,” holds the record for the longest-running musical revival and...
By some miracle the Academy has managed to have two good Oscar years in a row. If you ignore Jimmy Kimmel’s grating commentary and allow...
We all know and love Trader Joe’s, so I made it a mission to find the best easy after school options. With such a wide...
On Feb. 9, English indie songwriter Declan McKenna–best known for his track titled “Brazil,” a commentary on the costs of the 2014 FIFA World Cup...
Published in 1964, Rohld Dahl’s “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” tells the story of a young, poor boy selected to visit the prestigious Willy Wonka’s...
Since that fateful day of Aug. 23, I have often found myself overwhelmed with enormous loads of homework, tennis practices and volunteer hours and have...
2023 marked the 100-year anniversary of the Walt Disney Company, a massively important milestone to not only themselves, but to American culture as a whole....
Elvis Presley is one of the most famous American artists of all time. The rich history of his life is often discussed in pop culture,...
On Oct. 6, Drake released his eighth official studio album, “For All The Dogs,” as a precursor to an upcoming hiatus to focus on his...
Throughout a vast portion of my childhood, I was knee-deep in a Greek Mythology phase. I read books, watched movies and listened to podcasts. This...