“The Super Mario Bros. Movie” is the latest feature from Illumination, the studio responsible for “Despicable Me,” “The Lorax” and the creation of the Minions,...
On Dec. 16 and 17, the highly anticipated video game, “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach” was released in the United States and worldwide. Created...
As videogame movies go, Sonic is just your average live-action adaptation, nothing special. In terms of Hollywood, however, Sonic is entirely unprecedented. Never before has...
It is not just a game. As he looks down from the battle bus, he sees a world of virtual anarchy. Ready for battle, he...
Video Games in the last 20 years have been notorious for their graphic, violent and sexually explicit content, with the most controversial franchises, such as...
I’ve never been a fan of Mario games. Their traditionally linear structure and one-dimensional platforming has never appealed to me, and while the 3D...