Required reading can easily feel like a chore, especially when there are dozens of assignments and essays to do along the way. While we compiled a list of 10 novels students read in their first three years of high school, they are limited to the curriculums of English 9 and 10 Honors and both IB English courses. Whether a book is confusing, dramatic or just boring, each has at least something meaningful to offer. We have ranked the following 10 novels in order of relevance and enjoyability to highlight those that deserve to be required and those that do not.
Long-revered as a staple of 20th century American literature, students in both IB English courses read F. Scott Fitzgerald’s most famous novel, “The Great Gatsby.” The novel is written in a limited first person point-of-view, with the narrator Nick Carraway somewhat removed from the main conflicts. Although the characters are not all likeable, they are each complex in their own ways and with whom the reader can empathize. The first few chapters are quite slow, but lay a complicated setting for subsequent ones to build upon. The action rises slowly throughout the majority of the novel, and wraps up rather abruptly in the last chapter. Its unique characters and surprising plot twists leave this novel at the top of school required reading.
An introduction into the world of gothic literature, Mary Shelley’s debut novel, “Frankenstein” or “The Modern Prometheus,” explores the dangers of ambition and prejudice. This story is vastly different from the connotations of “Frankenstein” I knew prior to reading the book; not only is the monster not named Frankenstein, but he is the most likable character in the story. Victor Frankenstein, on the other hand, the mad scientist, proves to be an incredibly objectionable character whose actions dictate the plot of the novel. Although the beginning of the novel was quite slow and description-filled, the exploration of morals and parallels to Shelley’s life made this novel a captivating read.
Quoted in music, films and literary works to this day, George Orwell’s dystopian novel, “1984,” has remained disturbingly relevant since its publication with themes of censorship, totalitarianism and psychological manipulation. Orwell’s journalistic language leaves little room for interpretation in terms of the plot, which I would say is well-paced, making the book a straightforward read. But, the lack of subtlety does not mean that the symbolism is empty. This is a novel that, like others on this list, has worked its way into our cultural expression. Everyone should be able to say that they have read “1984” by George Orwell.
Narrated from the point of view of Scout, a young girl growing up in rural Alabama during the Great Depression, Harper Lee’s “To Kill A Mockingbird” is a story of racial prejudice and discrimination. The novel begins with Scout’s backstory, not mentioning the main conflict until the second half. Scout’s narration describes events through her eyes, as children in the town would perceive them. This made for an interesting dichotomy between her perception and reality. “To Kill A Mockingbird” is a book we would recommend all high school students to read.
Read in a select number of sophomore English courses, “The Glass Castle” is author Jeannette Walls’ memoir about her turbulent childhood. The story is told through her voice as she matures and experiences a series of hardships. Her determination to achieve her dream of becoming a writer and refusing to back down, becoming the editor of her school newspaper and going to Barnard on scholarship, despite growing up in a small Appalachian town, is admirable. “The Glass Castle” offers a compelling tale of individualism and determination that was a highlight of highschool required reading.
Centered around a version of the American Dream, “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck follows George and Lennie, two migrant workers, as they begin work on a farm in the 1930s. The two men are each other’s found family, and the story is as touching as it is tragic. While the ending elicited resentment at the time, looking back now, the unfair ending was realistic. There is a lot of necessary historical context to be aware of before flipping the book open, but when placed in a curriculum alongside a history course, “Of Mice and Men” offers an emotional yet representational perspective.
Bryan Stevenson, author of “Just Mercy,” documents his efforts to defend victims of the justice system through a non-profit organization, the Equal Justice Initiative. Stevenson alternates between a retelling of Walter McMillian’s case and personal reflections, but it was not difficult to understand the overall story. Boring at times, yes, but it makes up for what it is lacking through powerful commentary on the systemic issues racial disparity has caused. The movie was actually much more engaging and effective in getting the message across.
A philosophical, spiritual narrative, Yann Martel’s “Life of Pi” leaves the interpretation of what is reality and what is illusion up to the reader. It is also incredibly boring. The story is told across two timelines, one following Pi as a child and the other in his middle age, relaying his adventures to an unnamed narrator. Pi was not a likable character, and one could not place themself in his shoes. His narration was filled with spiritual experiences and internal existential debates that were difficult to comprehend, let alone relate to.
Kazuo Ishiguro’s “Klara and the Sun” escalated so quickly that it remains one of the most demented plot twists to be printed. Besides this unsettling development, the rest of the novel paled in comparison in terms of engagement. It follows Klara, an Artificial Friend who was chosen by Josie, a chronically ill girl. The book was easy to annotate because the messages were basically spoon-fed to the reader. The only reason anyone should read “Klara and the Sun” is if they wanted to feel their skin crawl.
What would you expect out of a story about a group of British schoolboys stranded on an island? If you have ever read a survival novel or seen a survival show of any kind, you could probably guess the plot of William Golding’s “Lord of the Flies.” The plot gets buried, however, under embellishing details that made the novel tedious to read. The societal commentary reiterates what many other pieces of literature convey, making the novel very much conventional when compared to others in the same genre. There is a reason for the immense popularity of survival narratives, but “Lord of the Flies” is definitely not one of the better ones.