Unsolved Mysteries Club takes inspiration from “Buzzfeed Unsolved” video series

The newly created Unsolved Mysteries interest group, inspired by the viral Buzzfeed series “Buzzfeed Unsolved,” explores unsolved crimes, paranormal cases and conspiracy theories.

Lisa Liu, senior, started the interest group this year after she received a lot of interest and positive responses to a joking tweet. Liu’s fascination with criminal cases and paranormal activity led her to discover the “Buzzfeed Unsolved” series, and she was immediately hooked.

Leila Latham and Megan Morales, both seniors, joined the club to support their friend, Liu. Latham is also an avid follower of the “Buzzfeed Unsolved” video series which she got hooked on when her friends showed it to her.

Morales, too, is a fan of the video series. “I’ve always been interested in paranormal matters so I decided to watch and the combination of the fear factor and the humor of the hosts really hooked me in,” Morales said.

“I really admire (series creator Ryan Bergara and video partner Shane Madej) and the way they incorporate humor into their serious discussion of unsolved mysteries, and the mysteries themselves,” Liu said.

During the meetings, club members watch “Buzzfeed Unsolved” videos and research and present their own criminal cases. Liu makes the decisions concerning the club activities. She usually runs Twitter polls or uses Google Forms in order to gather the club’s popular vote to decide what video or case they want to present or watch next.

Lathum enjoys the discussions the club has about each unsolved case. “It sometimes can be like a debate and we get to defend our theories,” she said.

Morales feels the interest group provides a great forum for fans of the video series, or just criminal and paranormal activity in general to discuss their opinions on particular cases. “I am a huge fan of the buzzfeed unsolved videos and have a lot of opinions about them and I like the idea of having a place to discuss with people who share the same interest,” Morales said.

The club meets every Thursday in F3 to enjoy, dissect and debate “Buzzfeed Unsolved” videos as well as present and discuss their own cases.