Many athletes have been disappointed because of canceled seasons, but there might just be a chance for the Newbury Park golfers to get back into the sport they love. Although recent changes have forced golf courses to change their usual model, they have been able to continue to operate.
With the new season, many adjustments have been made by both the courses and the players. Riley O’Leary, junior, is one of the eager golfers on the high school team. “COVID is probably going to bring many new regulations. But just like a lot of the other changes that this past year has brought, we’ll just have to adjust to the new normal,” O’Leary said. As of now, golfers are simply practicing on their own since nothing has been officially organized yet. The details of the golf season are arranged by the golf course companies and have not been released yet. No tryouts or team practices have been scheduled either but circumstances may change within the next month.
Though COVID-19 has caused some difficulties, golfers are optimistic about the possible upcoming season. “A lot of [golf courses] have been able to make accommodations, like ensuring spaces between people practicing on the range,” O’Leary said. “Also when you’re playing out on the course, there is a lot of space and not a lot of people, so most courses have been able to open up for playing still.”
Molly McNulty, junior, is another golfer who misses the typical golf season. “COVID has prevented my team from playing together and has kept me from being able to take lessons…” McNulty said. “But at the same time, I have had more room in my schedule to go to the driving range and play on the course with my friends and family, which are still open since golf is a contactless sport.”
Due to these changes, it is unlikely more than two teams will compete at the same course at once, but they will be able to compete. Michael Godfrey, the assistant principal, said, “You know, golf is so different… than every other sport. I think they will be able to compete. I don’t know if it’ll be in the exact same capacity where there are multiple teams all going together, it may just be one team against another, but it really shouldn’t be affected too much.”