A new season of NPBA

The Newbury Park Basketball Association, or NPBA, is a league where students can play, or coach, basketball for fun without the pressure of high school level competition. The league provides students with a stress-free way to play basketball without school conflict. This year, the season began in December and from that point on, games between the teams are held on Saturday. In the end, every team makes the playoffs and has a chance of making it to the championships and winning the league.

Due to the fact that NPBA games usually occur on Saturdays, this makes it easier for members of the community to attend and watch without having the stress of going to work or school the day after.

Jubal Rancourt, junior, is playing in NPBA for his first time this year. He decided to join because, “for me, I’m busy with my job, school, family, so playing on the weekends is a really fun way to release some stress.”

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He has also made new connections through NPBA, “I’ve met one of my best friends, and met so many new people,” Rancourt said. Like the players, young coaches such as Andrew Noble, senior, enjoy spending their weekend being productive.“I began coaching as just something to do on the weekends to stay busy. I thought it would be fun coaching my friends, and it is!” Noble said.

Matthew Grabow started playing basketball in third grade. He has stuck with this sport because “basketball has just been a passion of (his),” and playing in NPBA is “a way for me to go out and enjoy the game I love”. He would “without a doubt recommend (NPBA) to others” because it is “a great way to make memories with your friends and meet new people,” Grabow said.

NPBA is a great place to play basketball in a non competitive league without the pressure of the other factors that play a role in high school basketball. Many people have enjoyed playing and will continue to love the game in this league. This year, playoffs will take place on Feb. 11, be sure to go out, join the fun and support your fellow Panthers.