Are Teens too dependent on cell phones?

Seeing a teenager off their phone is a rare sight. It’s safe to say that cell phones have changed dramatically since the first mobile phone was created, and this has sparked an equal change in the way many people live.

No more sitting around the home phone, awaiting a call. Now, you can be out and about, tweeting about what you’re doing and texting five people at once.
Whether or not this is a good change has become a popular question of debate, but I believe it has had a positive impact, and teens have not become too dependent on their phones.

Cell phones have allowed people much more access to the world around them. It has given them the ability to connect with one another, share information, and learn.

Face to face communication has become less and less common, now that there are dozens of ways to communicate through social media and instant messaging. Through the internet, you can make friendships and meet people with similar interests as you, who you never would have met otherwise.

Some may argue that teens don’t have the social skills necessary to go out and have a normal conversation, or meet new people. However, I believe many teens gain confidence from talking to people through a keyboard, and can bring that with them when they talk in person.

Social media isn’t the only thing drawing teens to the glowing screens. Access to the internet at any time can be a great convenience. You can read books, check up on current events, do research for a project, or create a presentation, all from the phone in your hand.

Being able to look up information for a school assignment without taking a trip to the library has made learning much easier for many students.

If I were put into a situation where I couldn’t use my phone to look something up, and had to use a book or another source, I wouldn’t know what to do.

However, such a situation is highly unlikely. The world is evolving and more things are being done online. Knowing how to use different devices, operating systems, and technology is becoming very important. I don’t believe teens have become too dependent on cell phones, and they have definitely made life easier for us.

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