“Infinity War” shot into theaters on April 27, making over 250 million dollars in its first weekend, according to Box Office Mojo. The movie immediately...
Black Panther is the newest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), a universe that seems to be growing by the day. It follows the...
The year was 1987. The then-new Red Hot Chili Peppers had been touring California, and even had a concert on the UCLA campus. Lamppost Pizza...
With the fires burning their way through Ventura County, Newbury Park sports teams had to change up their practices to accommodate the smoke-ridden air. Track...
The Newbury Park High School baseball team Christmas tree lot has opened in the lot across for the Newbury Park library. The lot sells trees,...
While some of NPHS’s performers express themselves on the PAC stage, some prefer to let the cameras roll and take on a part in commercials,...
The Glass Castle hit the theaters on Aug. 11, 12 years after the publication of the memoir by Jeannette Walls. The movie reproduction followed the...
Each and every year, we are fortunate enough to get what is now known as the “summer movie season,” spanning from the beginning of April...
What defines cheating? Interviewer: What do you define as cheating? Student: I don’t know what cheating is, honestly. Interviewer: Would you say that you cheat? Student:...