This year, Netflix decided to delve into the realm of animated holiday movies, releasing an all new original film titled “Klaus.” The animated holiday film...
Saint Lucia’s Day As a part of her Swedish heritage, Josephine Duc, senior, celebrates St. Lucia’s Day, a holiday that honors St. Lucia, a Christian...
The hit franchise Mario Kart made its mobile debut in “Mario Kart Tour”, a racing game by Nintendo that was released on Sept. 25 for...
“Dear Bully” is definitely not your stereotypical book about childhood bullying. With Unity Day, a day in which bullying awareness is placed in the spotlight,...
After hearing rave reviews from others about IKEA, I felt that it was necessary to visit it myself in order to determine what all the...
As the consequences of environmental destruction are becoming more and more apparent, action for environmental protection has become a modern urgency for every individual across...
On Sept. 28 from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., high schoolers from across the Conejo Valley gathered at the Fall Jam Fest to watch local...
The European experience The Summer of 2019 was full of many exciting experiences for NPHS students. From Northern California to Europe, many educational and enjoyable...
The internet is an essential tool to today’s society, yet very few know what it truly is. However, with a smile on his face and...
The College Board, the organization responsible for the SAT and AP exams, has recently began to implement a new “adversity score,” which takes into consideration...