Each and every year, we are fortunate enough to get what is now known as the “summer movie season,” spanning from the beginning of April...
In front of the famous “Rocky Steps” outside of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, NFL fans blocked the streets, anxious at who their respective teams...
A cherry red Ferrari jumped across Dubai from skyscraper to skyscraper in the last installment, but somehow we believed that Vin Diesel and Co. had...
Tennis does not just take a physical toll on one’s body, but also a mental one. It requires willpower and time to finesse one’s skills,...
The crowd waits silently in the darkness with anticipation, expectations rising. From the stage, it looks like a still, black mass, only just moving to...
September heat radiates from the sun and pounds on the players, while dead silence stretches across the court. Zoie Wong, senior, pulls back her racket...
Kris Jenkins was waiting for the ball just outside the 3-point arc, his heart pounding uncontrollably, the clock ticking down. He caught the ball and...
A shocked silence covered the audience like a blanket. For nearly 30 seconds, America held its breath in unison. Could this actually be happening right...