“What team?” “Wildcats!” This and other popular catchphrases originated from “High School Musical”, the Disney Channel cult classic that first graced the television screen over...
In the quiet streets of Newbury Park and Thousand Oaks, it’s hard to see the gradually increasing crime rate. However, after the California referendum Proposition...
Dean of Attendance Cheryl Moncourtois was named the principal of Westlake Hills Elementary School last Tuesday night, January 19th. Her last day here at NPHS...
The game is changing. After Jan. 23, the College Board will be using a new format of the SAT exam, one that resembles features of...
This year marks the end of a thirty-two year coaching career for varsity football’s head coach Gary Fabricius – he announced his retirement from coaching...
Hoverboards, increasingly popular motorized skateboards, have not only caught the attention of the public, but also that of California lawmakers. As a result, new transportation...
From a young age, Isaiah Garza-Bolton, junior, was always playing sports – whether it was wrestling, or basketball, or soccer. In high school, he has...
The Oxford Dictionary Word of the Year for 2015 was not a word at all, but an emoji – specifically, the face with tears of...
On Dec. 11, the strings program took an all-day trip to Disneyland to attend a seminar about performance techniques. “It helps because we get a...
In California, there are several educational codes that help protect student rights that are often overlooked due to a lack of knowledge of the general...