“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” has earned its place among the rest of the beloved series. Unique in the franchise as being the first...
The NODAPL hashtag that has been blazing through the media has finally been put to rest… or so some think. In early December 2016, the...
Think of any typical science fiction film and images of aggressive extraterrestrials, militaristic flying spacecrafts and advanced laser guns immediately come to mind. This is...
The Harry Potter franchise is a masterpiece. I spent years obsessing over the books, watching the movies every week, collecting Harry Potter merchandise and dreaming...
Just as the radio station KOST 103.5 has been playing Christmas music way before the actual date, here at the Panther Prowler, we have been...
The Newbury Park Polls Twitter account rates people in the school based on their looks. The account is public and allows others to participate...
Using a Ouija Board to talk to dead people is all fun and games, until of course you break literally every rule there is to...