Dog shows may not be a common extracurricular activity amongst students, but for Emilie Hooker, sophomore, participating in shows...
“Harvard ‘22!” “Happy to say I’m going to USC next year!” Splattered over social media every year are college commitment announcements. Pictures are taken, posts...
I’m not going to beat around the bush: buying gifts sucks — a lot. Sure, it’s a romanticized concept: going to the local store to...
The Ventura County Certified Farmers’ Market Association is holding the first annual Special Holiday Boutique Mini-Market. The event is held at the outdoor village of...
When most people think about Black Friday sales, usually X-boxes or household appliances come to mind. However, in recent years, the number of people buying...
The Miller YMCA opened in 2007 and provided the local community with a pool, a gym and a facility which several programs were able to...
Most people are excited for December and the festivities surrounding it, but many forget that this past November we had four major holidays. Four. Thanksgiving...
I had a couch once. It was the epitome of beauty. Like most things though, it had a few loose stitches and was oozing stuffing...
It’s a regular morning in November as I get in my car before school. I turn on the radio and flip through stations until a...
Taylor Swift’s sixth studio album, “Reputation,” debuted on Nov. 10 and sent people into three different emotions. Her fans were ecstatic to hear the news...