Mindset means everything

Every morning, I wake up to the sun glinting at me through the blinds along my windows and an alarm clock graciously reminding me that I have another 24 hours at my disposal. Another 24 hours that I can fill with beautiful moments and mold in such a way that makes me happy. I climb out of my warm bed, grab a cup of premade black coffee, brush out my hair and head down the hallway to my desk for my first Zoom call of the day, the first of many wonderful activities. 

Chances are my mornings are not so different from your own. The only difference is the way we perceive them.

Changing your mindset is a difficult process. With COVID-19 restrictions, most of us have found ourselves spending a lot of time with ourselves, which is difficult, as humans are meant to be social beings and have regular interactions. However, we can also view this as an opportunity to improve ourselves individually, and the best way to do so is with your outlook on life.

Obviously, we all want to naturally have the coveted “positive mindset.” I’ve found that instead of simply diving into it out of desperation for a sense of satisfaction with life, the easier way to achieve this is to romanticize your life.

Essentially, you have to pretend that every second of your life, even the most seemingly uneventful or uninteresting moments, is fun and exciting. You have to treat each day as an exciting adventure, even the mornings where you’re dragging yourself to your Zoom calls or you’re on your third cup of coffee and you’re still tired (been there, done that).

Although I personally see this phrase as overused, essentially what you are doing is acting like the main character. By doing so, you’re placing yourself in a position of self care by putting yourself on the pedestal you’d normally save for your comfort character in a movie.

This mindset works because it forces you to subconsciously look at yourself from an outside perspective, like viewing a movie. It involves pulling small pieces of life that you’re grateful for (for my mornings as described, it was the warm bed and the light shining through the blinds), and translating them into a greater love for the world around you. It also makes you want to add in little activities into your day that make you happy. For some, it may be an afternoon fruit plate, or a yoga session or an evening playing with your dog. Instead of trying to take out what makes you “miserable,” adjusting your mindset around those activities while simultaneously adding in enjoyable activities is more effective.

Romanticizing your life also works because it shifts the way we perceive life. What I’ve found is that life goes from being a stagnant entity that we are fighting against to a progressing concept that always has the potential to improve. Through this, romanticization inspires you to make your life better by subconsciously implementing that desire for yourself.

That being said, it’s still not an easy process. It’s a never ending process, because we never stop growing as people. But the process is worth it in the long run. I implore you to join me. Try romanticizing your life for a month, a week, a day. Become the best version of yourself.