School custodians impact students throughout their lives

Often unnoticed, school custodians play a vital role in maintaining the cleanliness, safety and functionality of schools. Their efforts help provide welcoming places for students and staff to come to school every day to learn and work. 

Braulio Medina has been a custodian at the Ventura County Charter School for about 13 years. Medina had a particularly memorable impact on a Ventura High School sophomore, Leila Martinez. “My relationship with my elementary and middle school’s custodian was unique due to [Medina’s] genuine kindness and everyday sacrifices. His love for the students was shown in various ways. He would teach kids traditional Mexican dances during lunch, hand out fresh fruit to students and play music during lunch. He always tried his best to make school a safe and comfortable place for me,” Martinez said. 

Conejo Valley Unified School District [CVUSD] custodian Meredith Henderson works the day shift, ensuring students and staff have the best possible environment when coming to school. “I do my best to keep things clean for everyone because I believe a well-maintained school reflects care and pride, inspiring students and staff to treat the school with respect,” Henderson said. Being a custodian also means having a good relationship with the students and staff on campus. “The mentoring and listening role that custodians play is important so students build trust and know if there’s a problem they can come to me quickly. As a custodian, I am on campus walking around all day and therefore sometimes a first responder in any traumatic situation,” Henderson said. 

Currently working at NPHS, Brian Shehan has been a custodian in the CVUSD for ten years and plays a key role in keeping the campus protected and clean. For Shehan, there are important factors for his job. “[My important role is to] keep students and the school clean, safe and protected,” Shehan said. Every morning, Shean has a routine he must accomplish before students begin to arrive. “First I open all the gates, put up the flag, open the cafeteria, turn on the lights, make sure all the trash cans are turned over for all the kids. And then, if any special events are going on, make sure that I’m ready for all the special events,” Shehan said. 

The custodians believe their hard work and dedication keep schools safe while also leaving a lasting impact on many students. Custodians have taught students many important life lessons. “[He taught me to] see life from a different perspective [… and gave] support, words of confidence and care,” Martinez said.