In the age of comic book movies, Marvel Comics seems to be leading the game. Since 2008, starting with “Iron Man,” they have released a...
If you enjoy having fun while staying active, the 2017 Adventure Run in Thousand Oaks is the event for you! On Sept. 21 and Oct....
Hunched over the electrical modules, Robert Liu, eighth grader at Colina Middle School, works with his partner to create a light from scratch. After the...
The clock ticks down. 10 seconds left in the game. Wade passes to Butler. He takes some dribbles and looks at the clock. Five seconds...
The popular political commentary show Last Week Tonight airs Sundays at 11PM on HBO. In the first season of the show, John Oliver’s comedic review...
Letter to the Editor: After reading the Staff Editorial in the Panther Prowler dated June 2, 2017 “Learning by doing: NPHS Students deserve more support...
On May 27, Newbury Park Panthers participated in the Conejo Valley Relay for life event. The event was located at Conejo Creek South Park, across...
“Look, he’s a showboat. He’s a grandstander.” This was the start of Donald Trump’s rocky interview with Lester Holt on Tuesday, May 11, where he...
Splash! Suddenly, the NPHS pool is filled with handmade cardboard boats and their creators. The race is on! On May 26, 31 teams participated in...