With graduation right around the corner, college is on the mind of all the high school seniors. While grappling with their choices that they will...
In times of need, students, staff and the NPHS community band together to support one another. On March 16, Marilyn Strange, theater teacher, lost her...
What defines cheating? Interviewer: What do you define as cheating? Student: I don’t know what cheating is, honestly. Interviewer: Would you say that you cheat? Student:...
Imagine that one kid who can’t do anything right, that kid who spills everything during a lab, the kid who does their whole portion of...
I first heard about 13 Reasons Why on Pandora. Almost immediately, it caught my interest. Why would this girl kill herself and then leave a...
Long-term consequences of the short-lived high An overdose begins to kill long before a death takes place. The body is weak, shaky limbs reaching for...
Prop knife in hand, one student actor struggles to kill the other in order to avoid the impending nuclear explosion that will surely kill them...
Fake news used to be easy to spot. “Elvis is alive – His Nashville hiding place!” “Russia’s colony on Mars exposed?!” “Bigfoot infests hikers with...