On stage the members of Drama Club transform themselves into new personalities, travel around the world, and most importantly, entertain. However, they don’t solely do...
A thumping heart and panicky breathing will probably seize you when you hear the word “SAT.” The strive for success and getting into college is...
Imagine life without leather belts, juicy steaks, drugstore foundation and weekend trips to Seaworld. This may sound like a distant dream, but for vegans, it’s...
A brand new year of suffering doesn’t seem so bad with a new playlist of songs to get you through the hours of studying. ...
After much anticipation, Finding Dory hit theaters on June 17th, 2016 making 929 million dollars . However, when Finding Nemo came to theaters it made...
This Fall, there are six sports to come and watch: Football, Cross Country, Women’s Tennis, Women’s Golf, Women’s Volleyball, and Men’s Water Polo. These six...
Do you read your horoscope religiously? Are you the type of person who blames failed relationships on clashing zodiac signs? It is sad to say...
DC Comics recently started releasing movies with a cinematic and connected story line, starting off with Man of Steel in 2013 and Batman vs. Superman...
The water polo teams began training for the 2017 school year one week after the June 2016 graduation. They trained for most of the...