Although the weather reports about the upcoming El Niño season is rather unreliable, your love for this playlist won’t be. “B*tch Better Have My Money”...
We like to think that we are head and shoulders above the rest. By “the rest,” we tall people are of course referring to the...
High school life is fast-paced: filled with schoolwork, social media, volunteering, friends, jobs, and more. With so much simultaneously going on, many high schoolers struggle...
Prequels The fourth installment in the Star Wars series took the audience back to the beginning and began a new prequel trilogy. “Star Wars Episode...
Madison and Skyler Wood eat, sleep and breathe golf. The two juniors have been playing golf for roughly half their lives and the sport has...
Every Wednesday and Friday during third period, teachers turn their televisions to channel six and await the newest episode of Panther TV (PTV). This year,...
When General Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown to the Americans in 1783, he marked the end of the Revolutionary War and the beginning of a new...
On Nov. 1, the Pawprint Yearbook and Visual Photography officially terminated their contract after a multitude of issues such as incorrectly printed or lost ID...
To go along with those rustic No Shave November vibes, here is an indie playlist for all of you suburban hipsters. “Edelweiss” by the Sound...
With their first play of the year, the theater department brought High Noonish, an original melodrama spinoff of the 1950’s western film High Noon, to...