The Robotics Club gets a formal grant from the CCA for future competition The Robotics Club focuses on exposing students to hands-on engineering in a...
The Reign of Terror Haunted House at the Janss Marketplace is a Thousand Oaks Halloween favorite. The elaborate haunted house opens every October, drawing large...
On Wednesday, Feb. 4, 15 student-athletes signed with their future colleges for athletics. Among the athletes that signed their letters of intent in the quad...
Not every high school student gets to explore the mechanics of fire trucks, go on 911 calls, and experience life in a fire station. However,...
Popular among the LGBTQ community and its supporters, the new web series “Carmilla,” found on YouTube, is based off of the gothic novel of the...
In response to offensive cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad, two gunmen attacked the satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo” on the morning of Jan. 7, killing 12...
Boys’ Basketball: 0-6 Because of their success in the past few years, the team has been moved up into Division 1A, the most competitive division...
On Jan. 27, the App Club officially released an app called ‘Newbury Park High’ for Apple products. Junior Harsh Karia, president of the App Club,...
Rob Marshall’s “Into the Woods” is a musical turned movie that combines the fairy tales of Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk,...
When the United Blood Services came to campus to collect blood, students who identify as homosexual or bisexual were not allowed to donate because of...