As young and naive children who watched Disney Channel and read Harry Potter, we dreamed about high school. We dreamed about tall swanky lockers that...
When I used to think of college, I used to think of “going away”- as if the most important thing was leaving, rather than the...
Of all the things this school offers to its students, block schedule is one of the best. It’s something that helps set this school apart...
#ThrowbackThursday to the allusive days where the point of social media accounts was to share your videos, pictures and comments with everyone. Today, a new...
Today, technology companies such as Google and Facebook monitor every single action made on their services. Your emails, your photos, your Google searches, and the...
With less than four months to go until the Iowa Caucuses, the presidential primaries are heating up. So far, the Republican Party has held two...
For defunding – Nikita Prokhorov In a series of videos produced and released by The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) various Planned Parenthood officials and affiliates...
In a move that would effectively enforce mandatory vaccinations for all students attending public schools, two California State Senators recently introduced a bill aimed at...
If one more over sensualized hamburger advertisement is shown, I may never eat another burger. Seeing a relatively attractive woman in a bikini chowing down...
As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I’ve always been taught that abstinence is the right way to go....