The Newbury Park High School dance team, intermediate dance, beginning dance, and other local dance studios came together to put on a series of original...
From Belinda Carlisle from “The Go Gos” and Jesse James Rutherford from “The Neighbourhood,” it is no secret that NPHS has produced many musicians. Our...
On Saturday, March 19, the NPHS campus lit up with the sound of jazz music as the Panther Band held their annual Jazz Festival. Audience...
Since the beginning of quarantine, many dancers have sustained their practices through Zoom calls and recordings. However, as the cases decrease, many competitive dancers at...
After hours and hours of rehearsals, the Newbury Park theatre cast took the stage for their production of Auntie Mame from April 12-20, telling the...
Marking the end of an eventful year, choir performed their final concert on May 25 and 26. Women’s Ensemble, Advanced Women’s Ensemble, Concert Choir, Chamber, and Men’s...