All posts tagged "PTV"

  • PTV Live captivates NPHS students

    For over seven years the advanced broadcasting class, Panther Television (PTV) has provided students with the opportunity to learn skills for the broadcast TV industry...

  • PTV overcomes remote learning challenges

    In a class seemingly dependent on access to a studio, PTV has had to completely change their production process. Jack Bernard, sophomore, has been a...

  • PTV keeps rolling

    Everyone’s favorite news channel is still up and running. Although coronavirus keeps students at home, Panther Television (PTV) continues to release new episodes multiple times...

  • NPHS students visit ABC Studios

    The NPHS Panther TV staff and Broadcast class visited the ABC7 studio in Burbank, California two weeks ago, on Dec. 6. They received a tour...

  • PTV revamps sports program

    The day starts off like any other: daily announcements, groggy students, the weekly PTV segment- the camera zooms in on the two smiling anchors- but...

  • CBPTV creators dwell on what could have been

    When Anderson Hill and Patrick Harley, seniors, didn’t get their desired position as PTV sports anchors, they decided to spin their rejection into their own...

  • Tuning into the news

    Every Wednesday and Friday during third period, teachers turn their televisions to channel six and await the newest episode of Panther TV (PTV). This year,...