“The Stolen Heir” by Holly Black is a highly anticipated novel taking place after the events of the well-known “Folk of the Air” trilogy. Four...
One of the most anticipated movies of 2022 has been in theaters for two months and has stirred up even more conversation since its release....
Everyone knows what a typical heist movie consists of: a band of criminal friends reunite, they create a foolproof plan, break through a high-security facility...
The horror (and unintentional comedy) movie “M3GAN,” starring an artificially created doll gone rogue, hit the theaters on Jan. 6 and quickly became the joke...
“Jujustu Kaisen 0”, the newest addition to the Jujustu Kaisen series, is being considered to be the most popular anime movie of the last two...
With anime rising in popularity in Western countries in recent years, it’s no surprise that second seasons are incredibly popular. “Demon Slayer”, a popular anime...
Featuring the voices of Matthew Goode and Helena Bonham Carter, Netflix recently released an eerie stop motion animation feature titled “The House.” The one-and-a-half-hour anthology...
Clint Barton, played by Jeremy Renner and also known as the Avenger Hawkeye, recently starred in his own self-titled TV show. The show mainly focuses...
The King’s Man, a comedy spy-action film directed by Matthew Vaughn, follows a secret agency formed in an attempt to stop a world war that...
The world of fine art is one that often comes as a mystery to those looking from the outside. “Blue Period,” an anime series that...