Released on Oct. 16 and directed by the renowned Guillermo del Toro, the R rated film “Crimson Peak” is far better than its trailers. Horror...
If the producers of typical Korean dramas competed on a cooking show, I’m pretty sure that the judges would become addicted to the numerous meals...
Netflix has captured the hearts of millions, with more than 44 million subscribers worldwide. The amount of movies and T.V. series available is abundant. It...
When you see a blue-colored cup of shaved ice, some of the typical flavor expectations are blueberry or blue raspberry. However, this is not the...
“Avengers: Age of Ultron,” the long awaited sequel to Marvel’s “The Avengers,” premiered in theaters on May 1. Directed by Joss Whedon, the movie’s plot...
One of the most depressing, frustrating feelings in the world is when a brilliant book, such as Stephen King’s “The Shining,” is absolutely DESTROYED AND...
A freak accident involving strange chemicals? Check. A young child growing up without parents due to mysterious deaths and disappearances? Check. A brutal city boiling...
To most students, waking up at seven in the morning goes hand in hand with barely being able to function until finishing a Starbucks during...
Yet another dystopian book-to-movie adaptation has arrived. The widely anticipated “Insurgent”, the movie adaptation of Veronica Roth’s book and the sequel to the popular “Divergent”,...
In the film “Taken 3”, directed by Olivier Megaton, ex-covert operative Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson), once again uses his “particular set of skills”, to go...