Becoming a teenager translates to a whole list of new experiences. These range from starting high school, to driving and finally to the dreaded and...
The concept of “Newbury Park” began as a rural settlement of the 1800s—a stop, on the stagecoach route from Los Angeles to San Francisco....
Despite what Halloween costumes may lead you to believe, Native Americans are not uncivilized, Mexicans are not for your entertainment and women are not sex...
As Americans, we’re proud of our legal system. The Fourteenth Amendment establishes “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges...
The United States prides itself on being a nation of acceptance, where people of different nationalities, backgrounds and religions can come together as one. However,...
The decisions of school boards affect every student on every campus in every district of this state – from the appointment of administrators at their...
Someone in the United States is sexually assaulted every two minutes. 44 percent of sexual assault victims are under 18, according to Rape, Abuse &...
A virus is spreading through our nation, infecting our schools, and killing America’s youth. Its name is gun violence. On Oct. 1, a shooting at...
Albert Einstein once said that “the strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it.” Indeed, in the 239...